Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Origins- Kermit

Origins- Kermit, originally uploaded by Grickle.

A tribute to Kermit by Graham Annable for "A Jim Henson Tribute Exhibition" at Gallery Nucleus; Alhambra, CA.


I love breakfast! 
It is the most important meal of the day for a reason.  

This morning I randomly ran across a recipe from Dan Silverman, chef at The Standard Grill, that was   a savory french toast take on the 'Toad in a Hole.'  Sounded delicious in my book.  

I've never been to The Standard Grill but after reading the recipe I don't see how one could go wrong with a cheesy french toast. And I must say, very tasty.  
I made a few changes as I was cooking, however for the most part I didn't stray too far from the original recipe.  I was having a slight issue with the bread tearing after soaking in the egg bath however I did use a different type of bread than the recipe suggests.  But honestly it wasn't too much tearing and when you insert the egg in the center it seals everything up when it starts cooking.  This would work with any type of bread you like.  
Thanks Chef! 

Toad in the Hole
Recipe by Dan Silverman, executive chef of The Standard Grill
4 slices of Pullman loaf bread, sliced about an 1-inch thick
7 eggs
2 cups milk
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
3 Tbsp chopped parsley
1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Tabasco, to taste
How to make it:
1. Cut a hole, about 2 inches in diameter, in the center of each slice of bread
2. Whisk together the milk, 3 eggs, ¾ cup of Parmesan, 2 Tbsp of parsley, salt, pepper, and Tabasco. Soak the bread slices in the mixture until well absorbed, about 5 to 10 minutes.
3. As the bread soaks, heat the butter and olive oil in a large non-stick pan over medium heat  When the pan is hot, carefully remove the bread from the mixture, allowing some of the mixture to drain, and then place the bread slices into the pan. Crack an egg into each slice’s hole and fry until the egg whites begin to cook through, about 3 to 5 minutes.
4. Using a spatula, carefully turn each slice and finish cooking the egg to your liking (2 to 3 minutes for over easy; 3 to 5 minutes of over hard) and the bread has crisped.
5. Serve sprinkled with the remaining Parmesan, parsley, a little sea salt, and a lot of freshly ground pepper. Serves 2.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Top Pot

The best doughnut ever.  

Top Pot in Seattle, Wa.  

My personal favorite? The raspberry ring of course. 

There is no other giant, fluffier fried deliciousness in all the world.  

I make a point to visit every time I'm in Seattle.  Brings me back to the good ol' days when I worked two blocks away.   That is one thing I miss about Seattle, the delicious food! In New York we have some damn good food, don't get me wrong, but Seattle is on another level in my opinion.  And the thing about Seattle people is that they like to be perfectionists and be pretentious about everything.  I believe this is why they bang out some amazing cuisine.  
On my last trip to Seattle  I visited Spur Gastropub in Belltown.  The reviews this establishment receives on Yelp vary.  This has to do mostly with the Seattlite's tendency to pick apart every god damn thing.   
Now I will pick it apart: The food was fucking awesome.  Enough said.  The plating was beautiful and the flavors were out of this world.  I was feeling like a fatty so I had three courses.  First being the pear salad with a danish blue cheese that was very creamy and subtle.  I'm picky when it comes to blue cheese, it isn't my favorite of the cheeses, but this one complemented the pear perfectly and was not a bit  overpowering.  My entree was the grass fed beef burger which was very uniquely seasoned and is now on my list of favorite burgers.  At this point I was very impressed with the food  but the desert blew my mind.  It was not only beautiful but it was so good I almost cried.  I wish I remembered exactly what was in it, but alas I do not, but in a nut shell it was a lavender, chipotle creme brulee.  It was so amazing I can not express with words how good it was.  
The downfall of Spur was the service, while not horrible, was not the best.  The server could have been a bit more attentive.  I also wasn't impressed with the cocktail list and the cocktail I did have wasn't anything to write home about.   But even those two things don't sway my opinion that Spur isn't a great place because the food overshadowed those slight down falls.  
Seattle, I'll see you again soon.  And I will eat as much as I possibly can.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The glory that is the oven!

Ever since my oven was fixed all I've wanted to do is bake. I can't begin to comprehend how someone can live in a home with a perfectly good oven and never turn it on.  Blasphemy!  
I've heard of people using their oven as storage space for gods sake.  

Not me.  No sir.  I can't get enough! 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Seeing as I'm in a bad mood....

Let me go on a little rant.  I'm am sick of our society and the lack of morals that people have.  It's sickening!  Great example of the day is Kim Kardashian and her husband of, what, a few weeks?, getting a divorce. I mean really? What happened to marriage being sacred? I would have liked to give that personality less bimbo the benefit of the doubt about her self worth however, I just can't with her. And it makes me sick that the young women of today are watching that dumb ass reality show looking up to such a vapid, whore.  Honestly I hate to say that about her, I would have liked to think of her as a good person but it just ain't so. 



Whew I feel a little better...

Elle Driver

Elle Driver, originally uploaded by Red Fox..


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Love this song!

Emo Rihanna in full effect.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm not sure why...

but when I'm angry or irritated the best way for me to relax is a metal song.  And let me tell you get I get irritated easily.

Again, I'm not sure why.

Yet listening to a good metal song has the same calming effect that one may feel from a long day at the spa.  My theory is that the rhythm of the songs soothes me but honestly I has no idea.

Listen and relax.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

When it comes to cooking I'm not the most imaginative.  When I 'whip something up' on my own accord it's usually pretty boring.  I'm a recipe lady what can I say.
If I've made something numerous times I usually work in my own preferences and try different variations of the recipes but when I'm trying something new I need a recipe. That's why I'm such a big fan of cookbooks,,, and my girl Martha (Martha Stewart for those who don't know).
In the spirit of the fall season I decided it was time for some pumpkin soup.  I also wasn't feeling too hot so I figured soup was the way to go.  After searching the Internet far and wide I came across a recipe with great reviews that sounded pretty tasty.  To my dismay the recipe was one of Rachel Ray's.  Now don't get me wrong, she does have some great recipes, I just wish she didn't talk.
When I clicked the link to view the recipe a video of her her popped up and I had a small heart attack trying to get the video to stop playing.  Whew, it was a close call.
But as I said before she does have some good ideas and the soup turned out fantastic. Damn her and her annoying voice.....

I did use vegetable stock rather than chicken but other than that I basically followed the recipe to the T.  But let me tell you the relish was what made the soup so freaking delicious.  See that little glob of yumminess in the center of the soup.....

......the soup was a vehicle for the relish.  With out the relish the soup may have failed.  I'm just sayin.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Feta is betta

I have been craving feta cheese like a 6 month pregnant Greek woman.  
No Joke.  
So lately, when I've been wanting something quick to eat, I've been warming up a pita smearing it with Tzatziki and loading it full of of feta, cucumbers, and onion.  And if I have some green on hand I'll toss those in for good measure.  

Oh my gosh, soooo good.  DO IT PEOPLE.  
Not only is it cheap and quick but it is damn good.  My next feat will be to actually make the Tzatziki rather than using store bought.  I've never attempted to make Tzatziki but I don't think it should be to hard.  I will keep you posted.    

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Murals of the Berlin Wall

my favorites at least....

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The city of cakes

What do I like most about Germans?

Well their love of cake of course.  


I really think that Germans find any excuse to eat cake.  It's everywhere in Germany, the streets are basically lined with it!  In every restaurant, cafe, or shop there was the most enticing cakes I have ever seen, displayed in their iceboxes sending telepathic messages.  Eat me....Eat me.....

And so I did.  

And I enjoyed every minute of it. 

Black Forest Cake

Especially that little beauty above.  Black forest cake.  A traditional German cake that was AMAZING.  It was so light and creamy with the perfect amount of cherry and cream.

This cake made me happy.  Literally.  

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The wacky and weird of Berlin

Plain and simple.  I heard speak of Berlin being a crazy city but unfortunately I did not bear witness to the seedy, hyper-sexual side of the capitol.  To my dismay.  Well, other than the young, attractive prostitutes, but other than that I honestly think you really need to know where to go in terms of night life in Berlin.  Or maybe it's just me?  But I saw no sex clubs, transexuals, or even that many gays for that matter.   Again to my dismay.
But I did see some inklings of this underground (or maybe not so underground??) culture.

I mean Europeans love to drink and smoke.  This was clear by the drinking on the streets and the cool old school cigarette machines all over the place.  And those who drink and smoke tend to like to go to weird sex clubs right!?



I did come across a bar that advertised a speed dating event that offered you free shots of schnapps if you wore spandex to said function.  This peculiar establishment also housed this:

The Cadillac of Toilet Seats

The Cadillac of toilet seats.

I wonder if they meant spandex shorts/pants or a spandex shirt???

So all in all I don't know where the heck these sex/fetish clubs where.  Let alone any cool techno clubs.  Did I just use the words cool and techno in the same sentence?


But maybe, just maybe, I'll find them one day......


Uhhh maybe?

Thank you

Oh good, let me do it again >:)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Germany Vacation!

Is over :(

But on the plus side I did get to do this: Go to Berlin, on my "List of things to do before I die"

Crossing stuff off is fun, weeeeeeeeeee!  But this trip description is going to have to take place in segments.   So to start this segment off I must say that Berlin has fantastic food, I don't think I ate one thing didn't like. And those European folks are doing some things right.  For instance, bottled water served at restaurants, specifically sparkling water.


Clearly bottled water is for purchase at restaurants in the states BUT sparkling water in the US is.....gross. But in Europe it is quite tasty and refreshing.  Yet since sparkling water here is not to my satisfaction I'll just stick to tap.

I heard rumors that Germany was a cheap place to eat and drink prior to my trip and that is no lie.  Especially when you can have delicious street food for 3 Euro as seen below.


Mmmmmmm tasty Döner Kebab.

Döner is Turkish and traditionally made with lamb with various toppings.  However in Germany, and I believe in many other European countries, it's mainly made with Chicken, as was the above Döner.  It's very similar to shawarma or a gyro but I would have to say much tastier.  I can't only imagine how good this would have been with lamb.  Holy moly. 

But none the less it hit the spot, especially with a tasty German beer.  I mean what else would you drink with it in Germany.  (P.S. The Heineken in the background was not mine...)


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yoga. Or as I like to call it Yo-gurt.

I cannot express how hard it is for me to find the motivation to go to my Bikram Yoga class. While I'm there I stick it out, find it challenging, and afterwards I feel great. The benefits, physical and mental, are fantastic. But I have the MOST DIFFICULT time getting myself there. Like right now for instance. I'm going to go but I am dreading it.
When you think about it what am I doing in a yoga class? I'm not flexible. I have no balance what so ever. And I'm making myself sit in a hot ass room where sweat is streaming from my pores like a river.
Alright. I'm going, I'm going. Just imagine me doing this:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why do I feel like I'm always cleaning? I swear every time I'm at home I either cleaning out the litter box, vacuuming, dusting, or mopping.  It's a never ending cycle.  I swear there was once a time when I didn't have this responsibility.... but when was it??
I think that lack of responsibility came to an abrupt end when I moved in with my first live in boyfriend.  He owned a house that was entirely too big for him to take care of.  I'm not actually sure if he could keep a single room clean for that matter.  He had this thing where he would spontaneously shed clothing and I would find trails of underwear, socks, and t-shirts littering the house.  When I would find him at the end of the trail I would just shake my head while he giggled.  Literally, giggled.  Now, I have no problem cooking and cleaning for my man but there are little things that can be avoided, like leaving clothing trails, that make a difference. Take note fellas.
While that relationship ended my relationship with another helpless being began.  My cats.  Now in reality cats are certainly not helpless, they are quite capable of taking care of themselves.  That is, until I take them captive and hole them up in my apartment in New York City.  Then they have nothing to hunt and no place to bury their poo.  Thus these independent creatures turn into babies that can be left alone for much longer periods of time than actual human babies can.  I am the one who has to hunt down their grain free, low carb food.  I am the one who unburies their poo out of the littler box and throws it out, sometimes twice a day.  And the fur! Jesus, the fur!  I wonder what it would be like to live all alone.  All I would have to do was dishes I bet.  Maybe mop once in a blue moon.
Well until my cats die in about 20 or so years I guess I'll have to keep up this cleaning process.  But I'm still going to bitch about it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

List of things to do before I die.

So I've begun a list of things I would like to do before I die.  Some call it a 'Bucket List' however I like to call it a list of things to do before I die.  I may or may not have added something so I can already cross it off but what can ya do :).

So far this is what I have:

  • Climb Mt Kilimanjaro
  • Island of San Blas
  • Sky Diving
  • Take Burlesque Class
  • Rock climbing
  • Visit Ireland
  • Visit Iceland & go hiking
  • Fly in a hot air balloon
  • See Northern Lights
  • Go in shark cage
  • Surf
  • See active volcano
  • See the pyramids
  • Learn Spanish
  • Visit New Zealand
  • Visit Easter Island
  • Visit New Guinea
  • Learn Trapese
  • Have a piece of writing published.
  • Have a baby
  • See niagra falls
  • Go to Yankee Stadium
  • Go to Jets Game
  • Go in the freedom tunnel
  • Go on a scavenger hunt
  • Live in New Orleans
  • Live In New York
  • Go on an Alaskan Cruise
  • Go to Berlin
  • Go to Carnival
  • See the great wall of China
  • Shoot a pistol
  • Yi Peng Festival, Thailand
  • Eat lobster in Maine
  • Camp in death valley
  • Camp in Yellowstone
  • Go to Burning Man
  • Be in the Mermaid Parade
  • Dance in France with Jeff Bance
  • Eat a Philly Cheese Steak in Philly
  • Go to the New York City Ballet
  • Paddle Board
  • Go to Graceland
  • Go to Muir Woods
See how fun it looks when something is crossed off?! 

Friday, September 2, 2011


This evening I ventured to the Marquis Theatre to view Follies, which originally debuted on Broadway in 1971.  The stage is set as an old dilapidated Broadway theatre that is soon to be demolished to make way for a parking lot where the cast is meeting in a reunion, consisting of past chorus girls and their significant others. It was a star studded cast including Bernadette Peters playing Sally, who the audience was thrilled to see preforming.
The fist act was average in my opinion.  And honestly I wasn't too impressed with Bernadette Peters.  I would have to say my favorites from the show were Sally's husband Buddy played by Danny Burstein and Phyllis played by Jan Maxwell.  The first act delves into the unhappiness of the characters and their draw to the past and what they wish to have changed, as well as describes the characters negative characteristics and how they affect their personal relationships. While the first act does have some well preformed musical numbers and dancing I felt that it lulled at times.
The second act the stage is transformed into "Loveland" which is over the top in terms of scenery which I found fantastic.  In my opinion "Loveland" is the characters realization of what is wrong in their lives/relationships preformed in the most showy, bright, songs with outstanding costumes and choreography. I loved the second act.  It was beautiful and the stage was basically exploding with talent.  The second act basically saved the show for me.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Red Rooster

Red Rooster, originally uploaded by Red Fox..

Prior to this hurricane business I had a pre-hurricane dinner at Red Rooster in Harlem.  Mmmmmmmmm that corn bread is tasty.  
Before summer began they added outside seating to their establishment at Red Rooster which they really had to do, with Sylvia's right next door and all (and Sylvia's has outdoor seating).  As a new restaurant Red Rooster is doing exceptionally well.  The food is good, the ambiance pleasant, and a very eclectic crowd.  Now when I say the food is good let me elaborate.  Lets first say Marcus Samuelsson, the celebrity chef behind Red Rooster, clearly has quite the resume.  I mean he has had the training, has been a guest chef at the White House, and has judged various cooking shows such as Top Chef and Iron Chef.  I have no doubts or arguments with his vision of Red Rooster, I actually think he has a great vision for his restaurant and the convergence of food and community. I just think that at times the dishes at Red Rooster are over seasoned.  For example I had a gazpacho a few months back that was very tasty but the dish was too large and half way through I was overwhelmed by the flavor.  It would have best been served in a smaller portion.  I also had the Red Caesar salad with a smoked vinaigrette, but the vinaigrette had far too much smoke.  Not to mention to much dressing overall.  But the corn bread is spot on.  It's amazing.  And the Red Rooster is worth a visit.  I think there is just some fine tuning to the recipes that needs to be done and the problem will be solved. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

In the bunker

I was called into work for the weekend.  Specifically because there is a hurricane out there folks, it just started raining about 10 minutes ago.  
So it begins....
In about 45 minutes the MTA is suspending all services.  No subway, no bus, nothin.  So I'm staying at work all weekend.  "Zone A" of the hurricane zones was giving orders of a mandatory evacuation.  The boundry of Zone A is a block away from my work I might add....hmmmm.......
Honesty I think all will be well.  But I did have to leave the Kitties alone.  Luckly they have plenty of food and water.  

Charlie is probably going to OD on the food by the end of the night and go into a food coma for the rest of the time I'm gone.  
I can see it now.....
Silly Charlie. 
So I'm pretty much all settled in here.  I don't have to work for three hours so I think I'll go out and get some rations.  I brought bored games to play after work and I even got some fresh flowers for my room.  All is well so far people.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Apparently there is a hurricane a blowin' in to New York City.  Now at first I was like meh, not gonna happen, Irene will lose her intensity by the time she gets so far north.  But everyone is really freaking out.  They're talking about suspending all public transportation starting tomorrow.  This means I might have to go to work and stay over for the night just in case people can't come in.  Grrrrr.

But in the mean time I need to get some rations for me and the kitties!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Peaches HotHouse

This past weekend on a blustery, rainy evening I ventured to BedStuy to visit Peaches HotHouse.  Actually blustery is an understatement.  It was a torrential downpour. 

Upon arriving I was drenched and initially had to use to ladies room to wring out my sopping wet clothing.  But once I got settled in I was much happier.  Especially after I got appitizer which was the watermelon salad, with arugula, farmers cheese, lime & ginger. Mmmmm mmmm and my hot date had the fried green tomato's with bacon and barbecue aioli.  Also Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm.
Then along came my drink that was served in a mason jar.  You really can't go wrong with a beverage served in a mason jar.  But what was inside the mason jar was even better! First.....Bulleit Bourbon.  My favorite bourbon of all bourbons.
Second....peach schnapps
Third.....Sweet tea. 
Sooooooooooooo delicious. I love Bulleit Bourbon. It is amazing.  And this beverage ladies and gentleman was so refreshing I wanted to be on a porch swinging or something. Alas I was in the hood on a rainy night.  But it was a good thing I had this drink to wash down the fried chicken I ordered.  Because it was hot.  And I mean HOT. 
Under most circumstances I love hot food.  I  always drench my food in hot sauce so while I'm browsing the menu my fried chicken options are regular, hot, or extra hot.  I choose extra hot without even thinking twice.  When the waitress asked me if I was sure, I got a little hesitant but I went for it anyways. I should have taken this warning to heart because my mouth was on fire! I had to remove the skin it was so hot. But inside the flesh was warm, juicy, and tasty.
So the rainy night turned out to be warm and filling.  And there more than just Chinese restaurants in BedStuy now.  Who  knew.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I have recently been reading up on exercise, trends, and diet to better my heath as I'm clearly getting old.  What I've noticed in my research is that many health enthusiasts these days are frowning upon excessive, long intervals of aerobic activity.  Specifically long distance running.  Now I do enjoy aerobic activity so I'm not going to knock it, I think its important to have that increased heart rate and get all sweaty however I also think that it is hard on your body so I'm not the biggest supporter of long distance running. So quite a few fitness articles I've been reading have highly suggest just plain ol' walking to get your heart rate up.  Now I'm in no way a nutritionist or doctor but I like the idea of this, I like to walk. 
Yesterday, after 40 minutes of cardio at the gym, I was dying of boredom but was still wanting a little more exercise. So I decided I would walk home.  From the Financial District of Manhattan, to SoHo, across Canal to the Westside Highway, up the Hudson (a brief stop at Magnolia Bakery in the West Village to get some, oh so delicious, banana pudding), through Riverside Park, across a bridge that rose over the wafting aroma of Dinosaur BBQ, right on 135th st, through St. Nicholas Park, and 11 miles later I was at my door.
It took awhile I'm not gonna lie (about 4 hours with my break), but it was a fantastic day yesterday so it was worth the time AND I made some new discoveries along the way. Namely the south end of Riverside Park is amazing.  I had never ventured so far south in this particular park that begins at 58th st. and goes all the way to 156th st.  But at the beginning it's really quite beautiful; sculptures are placed through out the greenery and a boardwalk right along the rivers edge.  I'm glad I made the trek otherwise I would have never gone there in a million years.   
I don't know if the pizza I ate in my bed when I got home canceled out my walking extravaganza but oh well. If my stomach says pizza, pizza it is. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

I really love Maru.

I mean he is wearing a freaking raincoat here people!!!!!!!!!!!

This REALLY made my day.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This is just.....

This is just hilarious.....oooh my gosh how it brings me so much joy.....

Sister Act

I saw Sister Act the musical brought to you by Ms. Whoopi Goldberg herself and it did not disappoint.  Although, on a side note, I must add that it was freaking freezing in that theatre.  I realize it's Summer and all but I felt as if I should have brought my Winter coat along with me.   But I digress.  When I was little I loved the movie Sister Act I would walk around singing those songs like I was just at Sunday school...even though I don't think I've been to Sunday school a day in my life.

 Nothing you could do 'cause I'm stuck like glue to my god 

Patina Miller was perfectly cast as the lead, Deloris Van Cartier.  The humor of the script and Ms. Miller seemed to agree. She embodied the character and was quite hilarious with her over exaggerated movements. But don't get me wrong, she certainly wasn't over the top.  And let me say in the last number I have never seen such a sparkling set in my life.  I won't give anything away but just imagine a giant disco ball-esque Mary Magdalene. 
On my way home I was singing the songs just like I did when I was little. All in all a great performance.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Just sayin

I was just reading one of my favorite blogs and I came across a post of a "peel-able banana paper craft"  and it made me realized just how phallic bananas are. As I look at this picture all I could think about was a penis.
Maybe it's just this image itself......but the resemblance to a white man's penis is uncanny.  I mean sure a very pale white man, maybe even an albino but still...uncanny.

Makes me look at banana's differently.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sister Sister

Apparently Tia and Tamara Mowry have a new reality series that premiered last week on the Style Network.  How did I not about about this?? I loved Sister Sister! I also loved Roger from Sister Sister.  Which I realize is slightly humorous, but I had the biggest crush on him.  Especially after he joined the R&B group Immature. 

I had dreams of him singing that song outside my window in those overly baggy clothes.....awww *sigh*

But honestly what was up with his hair?

I mean his character, Roger, on Sister Sister was simply annoying but in reality Marques Houston has grown up to be quite the looker. 

I MEAN REALLY! Too bad he's short.....I think.....

Oh well. I'm gonna have to DVR this new show the ladies have.  Maybe Marques will make an appearance ;)