Friday, September 30, 2011

Germany Vacation!

Is over :(

But on the plus side I did get to do this: Go to Berlin, on my "List of things to do before I die"

Crossing stuff off is fun, weeeeeeeeeee!  But this trip description is going to have to take place in segments.   So to start this segment off I must say that Berlin has fantastic food, I don't think I ate one thing didn't like. And those European folks are doing some things right.  For instance, bottled water served at restaurants, specifically sparkling water.


Clearly bottled water is for purchase at restaurants in the states BUT sparkling water in the US is.....gross. But in Europe it is quite tasty and refreshing.  Yet since sparkling water here is not to my satisfaction I'll just stick to tap.

I heard rumors that Germany was a cheap place to eat and drink prior to my trip and that is no lie.  Especially when you can have delicious street food for 3 Euro as seen below.


Mmmmmmm tasty Döner Kebab.

Döner is Turkish and traditionally made with lamb with various toppings.  However in Germany, and I believe in many other European countries, it's mainly made with Chicken, as was the above Döner.  It's very similar to shawarma or a gyro but I would have to say much tastier.  I can't only imagine how good this would have been with lamb.  Holy moly. 

But none the less it hit the spot, especially with a tasty German beer.  I mean what else would you drink with it in Germany.  (P.S. The Heineken in the background was not mine...)


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