Thursday, October 13, 2011

When it comes to cooking I'm not the most imaginative.  When I 'whip something up' on my own accord it's usually pretty boring.  I'm a recipe lady what can I say.
If I've made something numerous times I usually work in my own preferences and try different variations of the recipes but when I'm trying something new I need a recipe. That's why I'm such a big fan of cookbooks,,, and my girl Martha (Martha Stewart for those who don't know).
In the spirit of the fall season I decided it was time for some pumpkin soup.  I also wasn't feeling too hot so I figured soup was the way to go.  After searching the Internet far and wide I came across a recipe with great reviews that sounded pretty tasty.  To my dismay the recipe was one of Rachel Ray's.  Now don't get me wrong, she does have some great recipes, I just wish she didn't talk.
When I clicked the link to view the recipe a video of her her popped up and I had a small heart attack trying to get the video to stop playing.  Whew, it was a close call.
But as I said before she does have some good ideas and the soup turned out fantastic. Damn her and her annoying voice.....

I did use vegetable stock rather than chicken but other than that I basically followed the recipe to the T.  But let me tell you the relish was what made the soup so freaking delicious.  See that little glob of yumminess in the center of the soup.....

......the soup was a vehicle for the relish.  With out the relish the soup may have failed.  I'm just sayin.

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