Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sister Sister

Apparently Tia and Tamara Mowry have a new reality series that premiered last week on the Style Network.  How did I not about about this?? I loved Sister Sister! I also loved Roger from Sister Sister.  Which I realize is slightly humorous, but I had the biggest crush on him.  Especially after he joined the R&B group Immature. 

I had dreams of him singing that song outside my window in those overly baggy clothes.....awww *sigh*

But honestly what was up with his hair?

I mean his character, Roger, on Sister Sister was simply annoying but in reality Marques Houston has grown up to be quite the looker. 

I MEAN REALLY! Too bad he's short.....I think.....

Oh well. I'm gonna have to DVR this new show the ladies have.  Maybe Marques will make an appearance ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! I heard about this show the other day are they still marketable?? Not that I didn't love Sister Sister back in the day, because I did Kelli!