Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why do I feel like I'm always cleaning? I swear every time I'm at home I either cleaning out the litter box, vacuuming, dusting, or mopping.  It's a never ending cycle.  I swear there was once a time when I didn't have this responsibility.... but when was it??
I think that lack of responsibility came to an abrupt end when I moved in with my first live in boyfriend.  He owned a house that was entirely too big for him to take care of.  I'm not actually sure if he could keep a single room clean for that matter.  He had this thing where he would spontaneously shed clothing and I would find trails of underwear, socks, and t-shirts littering the house.  When I would find him at the end of the trail I would just shake my head while he giggled.  Literally, giggled.  Now, I have no problem cooking and cleaning for my man but there are little things that can be avoided, like leaving clothing trails, that make a difference. Take note fellas.
While that relationship ended my relationship with another helpless being began.  My cats.  Now in reality cats are certainly not helpless, they are quite capable of taking care of themselves.  That is, until I take them captive and hole them up in my apartment in New York City.  Then they have nothing to hunt and no place to bury their poo.  Thus these independent creatures turn into babies that can be left alone for much longer periods of time than actual human babies can.  I am the one who has to hunt down their grain free, low carb food.  I am the one who unburies their poo out of the littler box and throws it out, sometimes twice a day.  And the fur! Jesus, the fur!  I wonder what it would be like to live all alone.  All I would have to do was dishes I bet.  Maybe mop once in a blue moon.
Well until my cats die in about 20 or so years I guess I'll have to keep up this cleaning process.  But I'm still going to bitch about it.

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