Saturday, August 27, 2011

In the bunker

I was called into work for the weekend.  Specifically because there is a hurricane out there folks, it just started raining about 10 minutes ago.  
So it begins....
In about 45 minutes the MTA is suspending all services.  No subway, no bus, nothin.  So I'm staying at work all weekend.  "Zone A" of the hurricane zones was giving orders of a mandatory evacuation.  The boundry of Zone A is a block away from my work I might add....hmmmm.......
Honesty I think all will be well.  But I did have to leave the Kitties alone.  Luckly they have plenty of food and water.  

Charlie is probably going to OD on the food by the end of the night and go into a food coma for the rest of the time I'm gone.  
I can see it now.....
Silly Charlie. 
So I'm pretty much all settled in here.  I don't have to work for three hours so I think I'll go out and get some rations.  I brought bored games to play after work and I even got some fresh flowers for my room.  All is well so far people.

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