Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Peaches HotHouse

This past weekend on a blustery, rainy evening I ventured to BedStuy to visit Peaches HotHouse.  Actually blustery is an understatement.  It was a torrential downpour. 

Upon arriving I was drenched and initially had to use to ladies room to wring out my sopping wet clothing.  But once I got settled in I was much happier.  Especially after I got appitizer which was the watermelon salad, with arugula, farmers cheese, lime & ginger. Mmmmm mmmm and my hot date had the fried green tomato's with bacon and barbecue aioli.  Also Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm.
Then along came my drink that was served in a mason jar.  You really can't go wrong with a beverage served in a mason jar.  But what was inside the mason jar was even better! First.....Bulleit Bourbon.  My favorite bourbon of all bourbons.
Second....peach schnapps
Third.....Sweet tea. 
Sooooooooooooo delicious. I love Bulleit Bourbon. It is amazing.  And this beverage ladies and gentleman was so refreshing I wanted to be on a porch swinging or something. Alas I was in the hood on a rainy night.  But it was a good thing I had this drink to wash down the fried chicken I ordered.  Because it was hot.  And I mean HOT. 
Under most circumstances I love hot food.  I  always drench my food in hot sauce so while I'm browsing the menu my fried chicken options are regular, hot, or extra hot.  I choose extra hot without even thinking twice.  When the waitress asked me if I was sure, I got a little hesitant but I went for it anyways. I should have taken this warning to heart because my mouth was on fire! I had to remove the skin it was so hot. But inside the flesh was warm, juicy, and tasty.
So the rainy night turned out to be warm and filling.  And there more than just Chinese restaurants in BedStuy now.  Who  knew.

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