Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I have recently been reading up on exercise, trends, and diet to better my heath as I'm clearly getting old.  What I've noticed in my research is that many health enthusiasts these days are frowning upon excessive, long intervals of aerobic activity.  Specifically long distance running.  Now I do enjoy aerobic activity so I'm not going to knock it, I think its important to have that increased heart rate and get all sweaty however I also think that it is hard on your body so I'm not the biggest supporter of long distance running. So quite a few fitness articles I've been reading have highly suggest just plain ol' walking to get your heart rate up.  Now I'm in no way a nutritionist or doctor but I like the idea of this, I like to walk. 
Yesterday, after 40 minutes of cardio at the gym, I was dying of boredom but was still wanting a little more exercise. So I decided I would walk home.  From the Financial District of Manhattan, to SoHo, across Canal to the Westside Highway, up the Hudson (a brief stop at Magnolia Bakery in the West Village to get some, oh so delicious, banana pudding), through Riverside Park, across a bridge that rose over the wafting aroma of Dinosaur BBQ, right on 135th st, through St. Nicholas Park, and 11 miles later I was at my door.
It took awhile I'm not gonna lie (about 4 hours with my break), but it was a fantastic day yesterday so it was worth the time AND I made some new discoveries along the way. Namely the south end of Riverside Park is amazing.  I had never ventured so far south in this particular park that begins at 58th st. and goes all the way to 156th st.  But at the beginning it's really quite beautiful; sculptures are placed through out the greenery and a boardwalk right along the rivers edge.  I'm glad I made the trek otherwise I would have never gone there in a million years.   
I don't know if the pizza I ate in my bed when I got home canceled out my walking extravaganza but oh well. If my stomach says pizza, pizza it is. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want some banana pudding from magnolia...