Tuesday, August 16, 2011


MOMA PS1, originally uploaded by Red Fox..

Summer has literally flown by! I can't believe it's already August and unfortunately I don't feel that I've done much notable this summer....

I mean sure I've been outside absorbing the rays, but I feel that I've been missing out on some summer activities. Simply put I feel sad about it.

But lets not dwell on my pointless sorrow. I mean I did get outside. I also ventured out to Long Island City to PS1, the extension of MOMA that has fun parties all summer on Saturday afternoons. So until September 3rd you can visit PS1 any saturday and enjoy the 'Wram Up." Pay the cover and enjoy some tunes as you wander the halls of the former public school that has extracted the children and replaced them with various exhibits and mediums. Plus they spruce up their front lawn by changing the various installations each year. The only downfall is that you will be surrounded by hipsters. So don't say I didn't warn you.

On my way out I also took a gander at 5 Pointz, as it's pretty much across the street, an old factory covered that is basically an outdoor gallery covered in legal graffiti. Ever changing, as the less popular pieces are painted over by new. It's worth a walk around the building at the very least. Where you'll see some amazing art and people at work, in the midst of creation.

So summer isn't all bad I guess.... I still have half the month left, I need to get outside!

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