Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm don't normally purchase MAC products but I do find their advertising quite interesting and visually stimulating. I mean, they used Dita Von Teese for god sake in their AIDS fund campaign, how could I not love what they do?! But when I heard MAC was doing a Hello Kitty product line I knew that millions of Asian girls were squealing with glee. I however wasn't all that into the idea. Hello Kitty is cute and all, but its just not my thing. Then I saw this video:

Viewing this ad did not make me want to purchase this line by any means, however I can't help but love a brightly colored video that happens to feature a cat that just so happens to bear a striking resemblance to my little man, Kitty! Seriously, that cat is his twin! Or he has been moonlighting as a cat model and I didn't know about it. Which is highly feasible, I have no idea what hes up to when I'm sleeping. Unfortunately the second half of the video got boring. After the girl travels through some fluffy, vaginal portal Kitty's twin turns into a dominatrix and starts dancing around a gang of S&M Hello Kitty men. But Kitty's debut was amazing none the less.

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