Thursday, March 12, 2009

For the past three days Kitty has been waking up in the middle of the night with coughing fits. Most of the time when cats are sick they show no or very subtle symptoms of their illness. So considering that the fits have worsened over the past few days its is safe to say that I am very concerned for my little guy, so today we will be making a visit to the vet. The last time Kitty and I visited the vet he was just a month or so old, and he hated it. In his youth it was much easier to control him considering he only weighed two and a half pounds, where as now I'm pretty sure he weighs over twenty and can easily protest any treatment he likes, or doesn't like for that matter. Which for a cat is pretty much everything that they don't choose to do themselves. The last time we went to the vet was when he was getting fixed, when we arrived at the vets office we were a little early so I took him from the crate, as he meowed incessantly, and sat him on my lap where he immediately curled up like a croissant and started purring. It was heartbreaking to know that I was taking such an adorable creature to be castrated. And now here we are again going to the vets when he is sick and I know he is going to be upset by the whole circumstance. I've been reading up on what conditions are associated with cat coughing and it seems that heart disease is the most common. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is not the case, hopefully he just has an infection or something. Get well soon Kitty!

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