Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Belated Valentines!

With the passing of the weekend so went Valentines Day 2009.  I admit, with me not being much of a fan of 2009 I wasn't really looking forward to Valentines Day.  Mainly because I'm employed at a hotel, and a hotel stay is just as generic as dinner at a fancy resturant and roses on Valentines Day.  I mean those things are all fine and romantic however, they lose their appeal to me when every, single other couple is doing them at the exact same time.  On top of all that I believe that my knight in shining armor will do such romantic, lovey dovey things all year round.  And I expect him to do so.  With that said, I find it rather grotesque to see unimaginative couples scrambeling to express their procrastinating ass love, all while burdening me.  And to top it off I meet these couples when they arrive for their hotel stay and, try as I might not to,  I imagine what is going to go on up in room 805.  And let me tell you, its not always pretty.  Especially when they think its cute to begin their mating ritual in front of me with some PDA, which I do not, I repeat, do not want to see. Thus I decided that I would treat this Valentines Day as more of a Thanksgiving, gorging myself with delicious, satisfying, fatty foods all the while watching movies and telling myself that I'll go to the gym later.  IT WAS AMAZING.  And in the end I got into a bed of freshly washed sheets and, let me tell ya, I found love. Right there in my bed, the last place I expected to find it. Or the first, depending on how you look at it.  But there is nothing close to the joy I feel when Im stuffed with food, drifting off to sleep on clean sheets.  Its good to know that I am able to bring my self to that level of euphoria, I bet those jokers in 805 didn't even come close.  

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