Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On Monday and Tuesday of this week the Westminster Dog Show took place at Madison Square Garden where the best of the breeds competed for best in show, and members of PETA protested outside dressed in KKK attire. What will those marketing geniuses at PETA think of next? PETA claims that their protest was to illustrate that "AKC's attempt to create a master race" was the commonality between the dog show circuit and the Ku Klux Klan. I don't really understand why PETA has such a problem with selective breeding, people do it all the time, specifically at sperm banks, and I'm not going to breed with any Joe Schmoe, I'll tell you that much. My baby will be beautiful on top of being the smartest baby ever born, just saying.
So really I see nothing wrong with the AKC other than the fact that dog show people are fucking weird. No joke. My mother showed and bred dogs my entire childhood, I spent quite a bit of time at dog shows, I know. Those dog show folk treat their animals like gods. I remember actually screaming at my mother once, telling her that she didn't love me as much as her dogs. And maybe she didn't, but I sure feel bad that I didn't apologize for that one.
Anyways, dog show people are nuts. I feel that the movie Best In Show was an excellent depiction of how crazy these people are. And I will even go as far to say that, in reality, dog show people are crazier. But not so crazy as to try and create some sort of superior, robot dog. Just crazy from the love that they have for their animals. And even though people who have an extreme love for their dogs make me cringe, I do really like dogs and I have a psychotic amount of love for my cat, so I can respect that. Especially since Kitty likes dogs too. All hail Kitty!

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