Friday, February 20, 2009

The strike of delicious poultry

When I was nine years old I was riding my bike around my neighborhood with my friend Cherisse. We were just taking a leisurely ride so when we heard a strange honking noise we decided to investigate. Following the sound we came to a dead end where a Canadian Goose stood, honking away. We stopped, wondering what was wrong with this guy, and he just stood there staring at us. After awhile we lost interest in the fella and headed home on our bikes. Little did we know, we were being followed.
Just so happens that sneaky devil thought that it would be fun to see what we were up to. When we noticed our stalker we started to ride faster but he was persistent and took flight however he could only get about five feet off the ground, still he was on our tail. When we reached my house and my mother saw the goose she demanded that we run it off the property, even though we insisted that it would be impossible since he pretty much corralled us in the first place. Considering this we decided that having him chase us would pretty much be the best way to get him out of the yard.
So we ran. We ran and he followed hovering just above our heads, when it happened. He bit me. I didn't even know that geese bit. And I didn't even know it would hurt so bad.
Turns out it does. And, turns out Canadian geese are actually totally freaking nuts. The video below shows a sweet doggy on a boat getting attacked just like I did. When I watched it I found myself breaking into a cold sweat and having flash backs to my own encounter with the possessed, Christmas dinner on legs.

So watch out and don't trust any goose as far as you could throw him.

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