Thursday, March 19, 2009

Four rooms.

As I stand here at work checking someone in to the hotel they ask me, "You look really familiar, have you worked here for about 3 years or so?"
This is one of those times where I grit my teeth trying to suppress the anger and disappointment in myself and respond, "Actually yes, I've worked here for almost four years."
Even though this brief interaction does make me feel pitiful there is a light at the end of the tunnel folks. As of yesterday March 18th I will only be working at the Hotel for two and a half more weeks! My official notice has been filed and soon enough I will be free! Free and unemployed! Like so many other Americans!
I know this may not sound like any great feat but its easy to fall into a daily routine. And sometimes that's okay, but other times its defeating. I've grown up believing that personal happiness is one of the most important things in life for some reason, I'm not sure if I've just been telling myself this or if I actually learned it somewhere, but I cannot deter myself away from this path. This is why I've ended relationships with people for no apparent reason, why I've run away from so many challenging issues that I've faced in my life, and why I currently may not be making the most economically wise decision.
I've always had this fantasy to live in the deep south (a place I've never been, by the way) along a bayou in Louisiana and own an alligator farm. I would frolick about the marshes in cut off jean shorts, hair in braids, with a stick of grass hanging from my mouth. And when I would go to town I would drive there in an old beat up Ford truck with gator skin interior. I would be the Pippi Longstocking of the Southern United States. The strongest women in the world with a pirate Daddy who is off hunting for treasure in the South Seas.

So maybe I don't make the best life decisions but then again maybe I do. I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as a simple life for a simple person.

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