Friday, March 13, 2009

Cat Scratch Fever

Kitty is, in fact, sick. He had a fever yesterday when I took him to the vet so she put him on two types of oral antibiotics. One in pill form, the other a liquid. It just so happens that I have never given a cat any type of medicine before in my life and it was definitely not as easy as it looks when the vet does it. It wasn't easy at all. In fact, it involved multiple scratches, biting, and having pink medicine spit all over me. This is probably the most frustrating thing I have ever done at 5 AM. It took 20 minutes of me cursing and trying not to punch a freaking wall. And then I felt bad for Kitty so I had to spend like 20 more minutes consoling him. I didn't want him to be mad at me for gods sake! There must be an easier way of doing this.......

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