Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Vodka Sauce

I was talking with a friend earlier, well we were actually g-chatting since I can't talk, and the topic of vodka sauce was brought up. The thing about vodka sauce is it can either be delicious or disgusting. Being on of my favorite sauces I know this and I am very particular about the sauce I use. A heavenly pasta dinner can go very wrong if you have the wrong sauce because, honestly, bad vodka sauce literally tastes like vomit and is inedible. So if you're going to purchase a jar of vodka sauce from the store I advise you use Scarpetta Fresh Pasta Sauce, available at Whole Foods. Now it is a little pricier than your average jar of sauce but in terms of a good vodka sauce it really is worth it. And if your a single person, eating alone, a jar can spread over three meals. Honestly, I am no Italian chef, so I'm not sure what exactly makes or breaks a sauce but there is something about this sauce that is oh so good.

1 comment:

Bennett said...

KP, this post sounds suspiciously like a product placement. Have you been influenced by the "big pasta" (corporate machine) ?