Monday, March 15, 2010

Bringing Back the Blog

Today is my second day sick with laryngitis.  I must say I prefer to call in sick to work when I'm faking because actually being sick is for the birds.  Not to mention, its boring.  This morning I've gone back and fourth over my usual Internet sites and decided to check this blog for the first time in ages and I realized it had been a year since I made a post, so I figure it's about time I make one.  It's hard to sum up all that has happened in the past year; 2010 has arrived (which I feel great about by the way), New York is great, Kitty has gained some weight but I love him just the same, and I'm working on starting my own business.  I'm sick of working for the man.  But in the mean time before my great rise to success I'll have to call in sick to the man when I have no voice.  And apparently it's harder on your vocal folds to whisper, which is the only way I can talk, so I'm basically left a mute.  All I really want right now is to take a trip down to the East Village and have some yummy noodles from Momofuku Noodle Bar and enjoy my time off of work.  Not going to happen I guess....

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