Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Disco Stick

With all the hype over Lady Gaga's new video for Telephone I feel that I need to add my two cents. While I think the video is entertaining I agree with most review who note that it has nothing to do with the song, but I don't think it necessarily needs too, because as a whole the video doesn't make sense. The costumes and makeup are amazing. I think Beyonce looks fantastic in the diner with the yellow dress on, her makeup is amazing, I mean who can pull off yellow eyeshadow? She can.
I did dislike the Virgin Mobile plugs, but what can you do, make that money girl. All in all I would have to say the video was good but I think her other videos are better. For instance the LoveGame video. Good song, good costumes (love the Chanel shoes close up when she's standing on the hood of the car), hot guys, and a hot video. And I like my Gaga with bangs.

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