Monday, March 29, 2010

Last week was Helen's birthday and per the birthday girl's request we went to Babbo, Mario Batali's restaurant by Washington Square Park. I heard it was over rated but I must say the food was quite good and they offered a good Prosecco at an even better price. Sure the antipasto and primi course were small but the secondi course was more than generous. I would have to say it was quite delicious.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Kitty is ready for some green beer with his green scarf (please hold crazy cat lady comments)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Vodka Sauce

I was talking with a friend earlier, well we were actually g-chatting since I can't talk, and the topic of vodka sauce was brought up. The thing about vodka sauce is it can either be delicious or disgusting. Being on of my favorite sauces I know this and I am very particular about the sauce I use. A heavenly pasta dinner can go very wrong if you have the wrong sauce because, honestly, bad vodka sauce literally tastes like vomit and is inedible. So if you're going to purchase a jar of vodka sauce from the store I advise you use Scarpetta Fresh Pasta Sauce, available at Whole Foods. Now it is a little pricier than your average jar of sauce but in terms of a good vodka sauce it really is worth it. And if your a single person, eating alone, a jar can spread over three meals. Honestly, I am no Italian chef, so I'm not sure what exactly makes or breaks a sauce but there is something about this sauce that is oh so good.


Just went for a walk to get out of the house and I must say it's a beautiful day in NYC!

Disco Stick

With all the hype over Lady Gaga's new video for Telephone I feel that I need to add my two cents. While I think the video is entertaining I agree with most review who note that it has nothing to do with the song, but I don't think it necessarily needs too, because as a whole the video doesn't make sense. The costumes and makeup are amazing. I think Beyonce looks fantastic in the diner with the yellow dress on, her makeup is amazing, I mean who can pull off yellow eyeshadow? She can.
I did dislike the Virgin Mobile plugs, but what can you do, make that money girl. All in all I would have to say the video was good but I think her other videos are better. For instance the LoveGame video. Good song, good costumes (love the Chanel shoes close up when she's standing on the hood of the car), hot guys, and a hot video. And I like my Gaga with bangs.

Monday, March 15, 2010

On the Bright Side....

To make the most out of being sick and not being able to talk I would like to highlight the things I'm enjoying

1- Laying in bed an watching 90210 and old movies, such as Meet Me In St Louis and Gentlemen Prefer Blonde's

2- Spending time with Kitty who I'm sure gets lonely when I'm away from the apartment.

3-Drinking this yummy chamomile citrus tea I just bought

4- Drinking said tea with Wildflower honey, which smells just as good as it tastes

5- Eating soup, one of my favorite foods, especially this mushroom barely soup from Whole Foods

6- Not wearing makeup.

So as long as I'm getting better I may as well as enjoy what I can.
Season 3 of Mad Men is being released on DVD next week and I can't wait, as I don't watch the series when it regularly airs on AMC and the finale of season 2 was quite the cliff hanger, so I have been waiting patiently for season 3 to come out on DVD. And it looks like our old pal Barbie has come out for the occasion donned in 60's garb....

Now for some reason there is something about Barbies that intrigue me. It's the girl in me I guess, but it's like taking someone (for instance the cast of Mad Men) and giving them another reality. It makes them more tangible and admirable. Now maybe what I'm saying sounds completely psychotic but I feel that the avid Barbie collectors have to agree with me. Right?
Anyways can't wait to kick back with a glass of gin and cigarettes and watch season 3.

Bringing Back the Blog

Today is my second day sick with laryngitis.  I must say I prefer to call in sick to work when I'm faking because actually being sick is for the birds.  Not to mention, its boring.  This morning I've gone back and fourth over my usual Internet sites and decided to check this blog for the first time in ages and I realized it had been a year since I made a post, so I figure it's about time I make one.  It's hard to sum up all that has happened in the past year; 2010 has arrived (which I feel great about by the way), New York is great, Kitty has gained some weight but I love him just the same, and I'm working on starting my own business.  I'm sick of working for the man.  But in the mean time before my great rise to success I'll have to call in sick to the man when I have no voice.  And apparently it's harder on your vocal folds to whisper, which is the only way I can talk, so I'm basically left a mute.  All I really want right now is to take a trip down to the East Village and have some yummy noodles from Momofuku Noodle Bar and enjoy my time off of work.  Not going to happen I guess....