Saturday, August 23, 2008

There are two sides to any perspective just as there are two sides to any argument. Sandra Cisnero once said that she wrote for other writers. Whereas Annie Dillard said to always write for readers. It seems obvious to write for the reader and writing for other writers seems borderline conceited. Don't get me wrong, I love Sandra Cisnero, she is one of my favorites, and I don't think her statement was made with conceited intentions. This being because most readers read filth like The Da Vinci Code. Half of the population doesn't read and then poor literature is produced to satisfy their mush brains when they actually feel like picking up a book once in a blue moon. Its sad really. It makes me wonder if the trend of simplistic sentences that I've been noticing in younger writers is related to this dumbing down.
I like the short, clear sentences, I've just been noticing that style in fiction that has been published in the past two years so much that it has stood out to me immensely. Maybe its not our stupid society.....maybe its the change in fashion. Much has happened since the descriptive sentences of Charles Dickens and even more recent, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Is it more difficult to offer someone a single word rather than a bouquet of them? Does their mind focus on absence rather than what is present? I suppose that writing for anyone is sufficient. We do not write for ourselves, we write for whoever will take the time to read it. All a piece of writing needs is an audience.

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