Thursday, August 7, 2008

I am not one to attack the media as the sole instigator for our societies negative body images, however I do find it exhausting to see the emaciated models day after day. I recognize a designers need to have a model that will complement their line as much as possible; to act as a hanger for their goods thus presenting their art in the most complementary way possible. However.....I am sick of my healthy friends complaining about being fat. I am sickened that I, myself, complain about being fat. I am repulsed when I am working out at the gym and I think to myself of how great it would be to be as skinny as the girl in front of me and on closer inspection I realize that she is extremely anorexic. For I have no desire to be anorexic. And in reality I always find a thicker woman more pleasant on the eyes, however for a fleeting moment I was sucked into the illusion of how I feel I should look. How atrocious is that? A person who is relatively happy with themselves suddenly becomes doubtful for no apparent reason? It is sick and wrong.

Not only do we strive to be trim, we also strive to maintain our health by eating well and by exercising. But what exactly is eating healthy? With a plethora of new health studies, articles are written everyday that make me question the foods I love. Now lets remember that health is not only psychical but also mental. We are told that carbohydrates will make us fat. People who consume soy products are sixty percent more likely to have dementia. Red meat is bad for the heart. The thing is that I love breads. I dislike milk so I use soy milk as an alternative. And as an anemic female, red meat is a great iron rich option for me. At times we are told that it unsafe to consume certain fruits or vegetables however our body needs the vitamins and nutrients from these foods. A quick fix would be to take a daily vitamin, but then aren't we succumbing to the pharmaceutical companies? Replacing our foods with a pill. Taking away one of the pleasures of our lives. We should enjoy eating. We should enjoy our lives to the fullest and we should not be dissuaded by such fear tactics that our media is presenting before us.

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