Monday, October 31, 2011

Seeing as I'm in a bad mood....

Let me go on a little rant.  I'm am sick of our society and the lack of morals that people have.  It's sickening!  Great example of the day is Kim Kardashian and her husband of, what, a few weeks?, getting a divorce. I mean really? What happened to marriage being sacred? I would have liked to give that personality less bimbo the benefit of the doubt about her self worth however, I just can't with her. And it makes me sick that the young women of today are watching that dumb ass reality show looking up to such a vapid, whore.  Honestly I hate to say that about her, I would have liked to think of her as a good person but it just ain't so. 



Whew I feel a little better...

Elle Driver

Elle Driver, originally uploaded by Red Fox..


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Love this song!

Emo Rihanna in full effect.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm not sure why...

but when I'm angry or irritated the best way for me to relax is a metal song.  And let me tell you get I get irritated easily.

Again, I'm not sure why.

Yet listening to a good metal song has the same calming effect that one may feel from a long day at the spa.  My theory is that the rhythm of the songs soothes me but honestly I has no idea.

Listen and relax.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

When it comes to cooking I'm not the most imaginative.  When I 'whip something up' on my own accord it's usually pretty boring.  I'm a recipe lady what can I say.
If I've made something numerous times I usually work in my own preferences and try different variations of the recipes but when I'm trying something new I need a recipe. That's why I'm such a big fan of cookbooks,,, and my girl Martha (Martha Stewart for those who don't know).
In the spirit of the fall season I decided it was time for some pumpkin soup.  I also wasn't feeling too hot so I figured soup was the way to go.  After searching the Internet far and wide I came across a recipe with great reviews that sounded pretty tasty.  To my dismay the recipe was one of Rachel Ray's.  Now don't get me wrong, she does have some great recipes, I just wish she didn't talk.
When I clicked the link to view the recipe a video of her her popped up and I had a small heart attack trying to get the video to stop playing.  Whew, it was a close call.
But as I said before she does have some good ideas and the soup turned out fantastic. Damn her and her annoying voice.....

I did use vegetable stock rather than chicken but other than that I basically followed the recipe to the T.  But let me tell you the relish was what made the soup so freaking delicious.  See that little glob of yumminess in the center of the soup.....

......the soup was a vehicle for the relish.  With out the relish the soup may have failed.  I'm just sayin.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Feta is betta

I have been craving feta cheese like a 6 month pregnant Greek woman.  
No Joke.  
So lately, when I've been wanting something quick to eat, I've been warming up a pita smearing it with Tzatziki and loading it full of of feta, cucumbers, and onion.  And if I have some green on hand I'll toss those in for good measure.  

Oh my gosh, soooo good.  DO IT PEOPLE.  
Not only is it cheap and quick but it is damn good.  My next feat will be to actually make the Tzatziki rather than using store bought.  I've never attempted to make Tzatziki but I don't think it should be to hard.  I will keep you posted.    

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Murals of the Berlin Wall

my favorites at least....

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The city of cakes

What do I like most about Germans?

Well their love of cake of course.  


I really think that Germans find any excuse to eat cake.  It's everywhere in Germany, the streets are basically lined with it!  In every restaurant, cafe, or shop there was the most enticing cakes I have ever seen, displayed in their iceboxes sending telepathic messages.  Eat me....Eat me.....

And so I did.  

And I enjoyed every minute of it. 

Black Forest Cake

Especially that little beauty above.  Black forest cake.  A traditional German cake that was AMAZING.  It was so light and creamy with the perfect amount of cherry and cream.

This cake made me happy.  Literally.  

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The wacky and weird of Berlin

Plain and simple.  I heard speak of Berlin being a crazy city but unfortunately I did not bear witness to the seedy, hyper-sexual side of the capitol.  To my dismay.  Well, other than the young, attractive prostitutes, but other than that I honestly think you really need to know where to go in terms of night life in Berlin.  Or maybe it's just me?  But I saw no sex clubs, transexuals, or even that many gays for that matter.   Again to my dismay.
But I did see some inklings of this underground (or maybe not so underground??) culture.

I mean Europeans love to drink and smoke.  This was clear by the drinking on the streets and the cool old school cigarette machines all over the place.  And those who drink and smoke tend to like to go to weird sex clubs right!?



I did come across a bar that advertised a speed dating event that offered you free shots of schnapps if you wore spandex to said function.  This peculiar establishment also housed this:

The Cadillac of Toilet Seats

The Cadillac of toilet seats.

I wonder if they meant spandex shorts/pants or a spandex shirt???

So all in all I don't know where the heck these sex/fetish clubs where.  Let alone any cool techno clubs.  Did I just use the words cool and techno in the same sentence?


But maybe, just maybe, I'll find them one day......


Uhhh maybe?

Thank you

Oh good, let me do it again >:)