Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I am a huge fan of the original 90210. I love it. Love, love, love it. It is maybe the funniest show ever made. They were the teenagers that the youth of the early 90s wanted to be and they were the fashion icons of our time. Now as I religiously watch the back episode DVDs I laugh at the hilariousness of the characters, the bad clothes, tacky decorating of Kelly's home, and obscene plot scenarios. But I love it. Its heartwarming and fun. Completely harmless and documentation of lives that we left behind a decade ago. I, obviously, am not the only lover of the show considering the series long run time. Whenever I put a season of Beverly Hills 90210 into the DVD player all of my friends are equally intrigued as myself. It is a time for the children of the 90s to come together and rejoice, for our molding is still a beautiful work of art. As of yesterday, 9/02..../08 our television sets, ie our flat screen plasmas, were graced with the likes of the new generation. The generation of i-pod listeners, test messagers, and bloggers. (Blog is a gross word by the way) I watched the two hour season premiere of the 2008 Beverly Hills 90210 last night on the edge of my seat. The cars are shiny, the stars are slutty, the houses bigger, and the clothes more expensive. I missed the first ten minutes of the show and came home to a living room full of avid viewers to fill me in on the blow job, David Silvers sister, Kelly's appearance, and the new state of the Peach Pit. Or The Pit as it is now called. The bitchy Brenda and laid back Brandon Walsh of today have been replaced by a sweet, spunky dishwater blond and a black kid. So....where exactly did this black kid come from? Do the viewers get no explanation as to how this black guy is born into a completely white family? Of course he is obviously adopted, however we, the viewers, need to know the background of our main characters.
I mean, the writers can put a blow job in the first scene for Christ sake, yet we won't be told the history of our new beloved family? But I'm interested to see where this thing goes. It either going to be very bad or comparable to the OC. Its great to see the old characters; Brenda, Kelly, Nat. But its sad to see the Peach Pit change to the Pit as I said before. Im defiantly interested in the older characters more than the new. For instance, who is the father of Kelly's son? And is the actress who played Kelly's mother really going to be in the show!? How funny is that??? She really has to be considering 'Silver', Kelly and Davids little sister, is a star of the show. And when is Donna going to make her appearance? There are so many aspects of the previous show blended into the new version that I am excited about. What a great way to get viewers, just hook the old ones. I mean, come on, you'll know where to find me on Tuesdays 8/7C.

1 comment:

Ian said...

A blow job? Really??? Wow, that's really got to reel those youngsters in.