Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Citizens of Seattle. We like em' crazy in these parts

I always run into crazy people late at night or early in the morning. This seems standard. The early morning crowd seems to be the craziest. They've been awake all night thus allowing them to get into all sorts of nutty antics. This past Monday morning, for example, I was at work around 7AM, this woman in her late 30's early 40's approaches my co-worker to inquire if we have a room. My co-worker informs her that we do and that it would be roughly $300 a night. She states that she would like the room however she needed to contact her mother who would be paying for the room. Twenty minutes go by, all the while dealing with this woman's mother and the details of using her credit card with out her present. Blah, blah, blah. During this time period it becomes apparent that this woman is not totally there and it is also clear that her mother is not going to pay $300 for her mentally ill daughter to stay in a hotel. The woman realizes she needs to find an alternated plan due to the fact that she was "very tired and had been be beaten up very badly," and her mother wasn't going to be much help. So she makes a call to a friend. The one side of the conversation that I heard went as follows:
"Hey I'm downtown Seattle, can you come pick me up........I just got out of jail, I was there for three months.........I was at a bookstore and they said I tried to steal a hat..isn't that crazy, you know I don't steal..........and I dropped a book and they said I tried to harass a customer.........I know it was ridiculous, they had me arrested and my car was parked out of Safco Field and it got impounded.............that's why I need you to come get me, I got beat up really bad.........Mark beat me up..........that's why I had to leave and I haven't' slept............well what do you consider sex to be..........well I had to do something he was letting me stay at his Larry, we didn't have sex..................I needed a place to stay.............please come get were in jail too?"
The conversation went on like this for some time, so long in fact that this woman's mother called back to ask if she was still at the hotel. When I told her she was her mother told me to call the cops and have her arrested and taken to Harborview or the West Seattle Mental Health Center. I'm not one to call the cops but I did want this nutcase to kick rocks. I had been tried to get her attention multiple times and she was ignoring me. So after her mother called enough was enough, and her language had become much more vulgar so I stood directly in front of her, the desk between us, and slammed on hand down on the desk as hard as I could and in a very stern tone told her to leave. And she listened.....she didn't look at me or acknowledge my existence, but she listened. One can only hear so much blow job talk at 7AM.

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