Friday, September 26, 2008


My favorite that is.....

Jeff Koons

Last week I had the pleasure of viewing the Jeff Koons exhibit on the roof at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. With my rising interest in sculpture and installation art I have become very intrigued with the work of Mr Koons. This being the first exhibit of his that I have seen I was quite impressed. His designs were immaculate, vibrant, surreal and up-lifting. Below are a few shots I took of the exhibit that was on the roof of the museum, the weather was lovely and made for some great reflections off the pieces.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Citizens of Seattle. We like em' crazy in these parts

I always run into crazy people late at night or early in the morning. This seems standard. The early morning crowd seems to be the craziest. They've been awake all night thus allowing them to get into all sorts of nutty antics. This past Monday morning, for example, I was at work around 7AM, this woman in her late 30's early 40's approaches my co-worker to inquire if we have a room. My co-worker informs her that we do and that it would be roughly $300 a night. She states that she would like the room however she needed to contact her mother who would be paying for the room. Twenty minutes go by, all the while dealing with this woman's mother and the details of using her credit card with out her present. Blah, blah, blah. During this time period it becomes apparent that this woman is not totally there and it is also clear that her mother is not going to pay $300 for her mentally ill daughter to stay in a hotel. The woman realizes she needs to find an alternated plan due to the fact that she was "very tired and had been be beaten up very badly," and her mother wasn't going to be much help. So she makes a call to a friend. The one side of the conversation that I heard went as follows:
"Hey I'm downtown Seattle, can you come pick me up........I just got out of jail, I was there for three months.........I was at a bookstore and they said I tried to steal a hat..isn't that crazy, you know I don't steal..........and I dropped a book and they said I tried to harass a customer.........I know it was ridiculous, they had me arrested and my car was parked out of Safco Field and it got impounded.............that's why I need you to come get me, I got beat up really bad.........Mark beat me up..........that's why I had to leave and I haven't' slept............well what do you consider sex to be..........well I had to do something he was letting me stay at his Larry, we didn't have sex..................I needed a place to stay.............please come get were in jail too?"
The conversation went on like this for some time, so long in fact that this woman's mother called back to ask if she was still at the hotel. When I told her she was her mother told me to call the cops and have her arrested and taken to Harborview or the West Seattle Mental Health Center. I'm not one to call the cops but I did want this nutcase to kick rocks. I had been tried to get her attention multiple times and she was ignoring me. So after her mother called enough was enough, and her language had become much more vulgar so I stood directly in front of her, the desk between us, and slammed on hand down on the desk as hard as I could and in a very stern tone told her to leave. And she listened.....she didn't look at me or acknowledge my existence, but she listened. One can only hear so much blow job talk at 7AM.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I've always wished to be a talented photographer. However I was not blessed with an artistic eye. I spent many enjoyable hours in the darkroom, however I never produced anything notable. Last night I went to a gallery reception that featured Hugo LudeƱa, a beautiful photographer. This exhibit primarily featured photos from Hispanic wedding ceremonies, and they are amazing. I think the most difficult aspect of photography is capturing emotion and these pictures do more than that.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Summer 2008 hasn't been anything to write home about. The weather has sucked, I only went swimming twice, and I didn't drink nearly as much alcohol as I should have. Crying shame. And I probably did cry a few times. However I know that there will be greater summers to come and the summers of the past make up for any lost time or lost swimming excursions. So here's to memories and here's to fall! Cuz summers almost gone baby.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Attack from Outer Space

I've been analyzing Cindy McCain today and I've come to the conclusion that she is a terrifying person. She reminds me of the alien from Mars Attacks who dresses as a woman to penetrate the tough security of the White House. Tough indeed. Coincidence? I think not. Philanthropy is a great occupation for someone who is covering something up.


I am a huge fan of the original 90210. I love it. Love, love, love it. It is maybe the funniest show ever made. They were the teenagers that the youth of the early 90s wanted to be and they were the fashion icons of our time. Now as I religiously watch the back episode DVDs I laugh at the hilariousness of the characters, the bad clothes, tacky decorating of Kelly's home, and obscene plot scenarios. But I love it. Its heartwarming and fun. Completely harmless and documentation of lives that we left behind a decade ago. I, obviously, am not the only lover of the show considering the series long run time. Whenever I put a season of Beverly Hills 90210 into the DVD player all of my friends are equally intrigued as myself. It is a time for the children of the 90s to come together and rejoice, for our molding is still a beautiful work of art. As of yesterday, 9/02..../08 our television sets, ie our flat screen plasmas, were graced with the likes of the new generation. The generation of i-pod listeners, test messagers, and bloggers. (Blog is a gross word by the way) I watched the two hour season premiere of the 2008 Beverly Hills 90210 last night on the edge of my seat. The cars are shiny, the stars are slutty, the houses bigger, and the clothes more expensive. I missed the first ten minutes of the show and came home to a living room full of avid viewers to fill me in on the blow job, David Silvers sister, Kelly's appearance, and the new state of the Peach Pit. Or The Pit as it is now called. The bitchy Brenda and laid back Brandon Walsh of today have been replaced by a sweet, spunky dishwater blond and a black kid. So....where exactly did this black kid come from? Do the viewers get no explanation as to how this black guy is born into a completely white family? Of course he is obviously adopted, however we, the viewers, need to know the background of our main characters.
I mean, the writers can put a blow job in the first scene for Christ sake, yet we won't be told the history of our new beloved family? But I'm interested to see where this thing goes. It either going to be very bad or comparable to the OC. Its great to see the old characters; Brenda, Kelly, Nat. But its sad to see the Peach Pit change to the Pit as I said before. Im defiantly interested in the older characters more than the new. For instance, who is the father of Kelly's son? And is the actress who played Kelly's mother really going to be in the show!? How funny is that??? She really has to be considering 'Silver', Kelly and Davids little sister, is a star of the show. And when is Donna going to make her appearance? There are so many aspects of the previous show blended into the new version that I am excited about. What a great way to get viewers, just hook the old ones. I mean, come on, you'll know where to find me on Tuesdays 8/7C.